
I’m Maureen, the Pocket Gardener!

Snow in April

Snow in April

Three inches of snow stuck to the ground today and I just CAN'T EVEN anymore.  As we trudge through our 7th month of Winter (aka April) here in Garrett County I'm at risk of losing my reputation as an optimist with a multitude of MAKE IT STOP posts and frowny face emojis.  I thought maybe I'd try to steer some negative energy into creative juice and write about what we're all cursing today, the 17th of April: The Tundra of Maryland.  

Last week Spring was happening!

Last week Spring was happening!

Last week it looked like Spring was finally in our sights.  My peonies were starting to pop and the buds on my lilac bush were a perfect shade of pastel green.  I was hunting for signs of asparagus buds but I think those may be gone for good (A story for another post).  Feeling motivated at work has been nearly impossible since I just feel like crawling back under the covers with a book until... maybe Memorial Day?  WHEN WILL IT BE SAFE??

April Snow Feet
April Snow

Don't get me wrong, I love the snow.  It snowed at the end of March... I was cool with that.  I love to ski, enjoy winter hikes, but this has become a SICK JOKE.  The weather gods are sitting on their snow thrones and getting back at us for every terrible Game of Thrones "Winter is Coming" reference anyone made in 2017.  Here are a few things I came up with that I would rather have happen to me tomorrow than see any more snow in April. 

  • Fish my keys out of a sewer drain
  • Be forced to watch, and cheer for, any Pittsburgh sports team
  • Run a marathon
  • Give up sugar (NVM Just kidding)
  • Cook every meal for the rest of 2018
  • Have to watch another Quentin Tarantino movie without proper warning

Other suggestions are welcome!

At least Parker is still enjoying the snow:


Bread Therapy

Podcast Playlist!

Podcast Playlist!